Keep in mind that solar power systems also increase the value of your residence. You want your property value to increase, because in the end you will get more when you choose to sell your home.
There are several factors to consider when choosing solar panel systems for your home. The sun’s peak hours can determine the amount of energy your system will produce. You can estimate your energy use and output by entering your home address and the amount of sunlight you receive each day. Also, you can estimate your monthly energy bill by entering the number of hours of sunlight you receive in your area. A solar power calculator can help you calculate the wattage and size of your system based on these factors.
The initial cost of installing a solar panel system for your home will vary from one company to another, but you can typically get an estimate from a solar contractor. Installing solar is relatively affordable, especially if you can take advantage of solar tax credits. You can also finance your system with a home improvement loan. Lastly, if you are not living in a neighbourhood with homeowners associations, you can install solar panels in any neighbourhood. You should check with your neighbourhood associations to see if there are any restrictions.
If you want to be completely off the grid, you can install an off-grid system. This type of system does not connect to the utility grid and is connected directly to your home. It has a battery bank to store energy. The excess energy from your solar panel system can be sold back to your utility company or used for a longer period. Off-grid systems tend to be more expensive, but they are more accessible and more affordable than they were even 10 years ago. South Africa has the ideal weather for installing solar systems, although it is more suitable for inland areas than coastal. Coastal areas usually receive more rain and cloudy days, however, do not let it stop you as you can still save a lot on utility bills.
A company you should look out for is Rhino Solar. It is located in Mbombela, Mpumalanga. They sell all solar products and can help with installations as well. Even though they are located in Nelspruit, they will assist any new client in any region of South Africa. Rhino Solar’s team have years of experience in the solar industry, you can rely on them to assist you as best possible.